分類:四年級作文 字數:500字 編輯:pp958
09年海淀區期中考試初三英語範文 標籤:期中考試作文 期中考試總結作文 期中考試後作文 期中考試后的感想作文
Dear Tom,
I”m glad to know you will come to China. In winter, the sky is azure here. I believed you will meet the amazing vista in China. Probably because of the Nino Phenomenon, it”s not so cold as years before.
You had better visit Tian”an Men Square. It”s exceptionally great! Your country has the Yellow Stone Park whereas mine has the Great Walls as wonderful as yours. Therefore I suggest you to have a look.
Don”t miss the Spring Festival! You can do alot of things interesting during it. Nevertheless, do not eat too much, Otherwise you can”t enjoy the Beijing Duck! It”s sure that the Beijing Duck will beyond your imagination. Thus keep your expection.
Have a good time! I think you”ll always cherish the memory of this trip when you come back home.
Li Lei
Dear Tom :
It”s my pleasure to introduce somewhere enjoyable. In my mind, my hometown Qingdao is a great place where you can have a brilliant experience.
To begin with, the climate there is comfortable, especially in summer and winter. In addition, There are a large number of beaches where you can enjoy yourself. For example, you can relax on the seashore, swim in the sea, or dive in water.
What”s more, eating in Qingdao is aslo wonderful. You can enjoy both delicious Chinese food and tasty seafood. Also, dessert is unique because of the European flavor.
Generally speaking, Qingdao is a great place to take a vacation, take it easy and have a good time!
Li lei
09年海淀區期中考試初三英語範文 作文推薦:

- ·09年海淀區期中考試初三英語範文500字
- ·2009年初三全區期末統考優秀作900字
- ·初中英語範文:打擊犯罪300字
- ·英語範文:如果我是世博會的志願者200字
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- ·2009年區初三期末考試優秀作文600字
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- ·2009年區初三期末考試優秀作文600字
- ·2009年區初三期末考試優秀作文900字
- ·2009年區初三期末考試優秀作文700字
- ·初三期中考試作文——選擇800字
- ·熟悉的聲音(初三期中考試作文)950字
- ·有你同行——初三期中考試作文600字
- ·英語期中考試總結1100字
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- ·2009年中考作文:心中的那朵芬700字
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- ·初三英語作文:我的媽媽1300字
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- ·一次數學考試500字
- ·數學考試的反思400字
- ·數學考試100字
- ·沒想到我考砸了——李宇雯200字
- ·考砸了以後400字
- ·唉,考砸了!400字
- ·考試感想900字
- ·考試感想200字
- ·g是生生世世是爸爸150字
- ·《裝在口袋裡的爸爸》讀後感350字
- ·《裝在口袋裡的爸爸,我是超人》讀500字
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- ·花開的日子作文 失眠作文
- ·小山羊作文 物理作文
- ·鳥天作文 憶往作文
- ·愛是偉大作文 彎腰作文
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- ·做雷鋒作文
- ·漁家傲作文 我的心靈作文800字
- ·深夜裡作文 父親作文450字
- ·妹妹作文500字 好久不見作文
- ·我希望作文 父與子作文700字
- ·狗作文450字 把握自己作文700字
- ·第二次作文300字