分類:一年級作文 字數:1000字 編輯:得得9
Have two nuns , one to be that being called the mathematics
nun , another is to call the logic nun then. Now the day has
been black but they have been away from a monastery already
quickly to still have very distant distance travelled.
Mathematics: Are you done have paying attention to having a
man to track us already having thirty-eight minutes not to
know he wants what to act as at all thirty seconds to back ?
Logic: This is very rational , he wants to infringe upon
us. Mathematics: Heavens! Under such speed, his meeting
grasps within fifteen minutes to us, why we are turn to
handle? Logic: Unique rational method certainly is to walk
getting faster. Mathematics: As though useless!
Logic: Certainly useless, that man feels quicker , as walking more also very rationally.
Mathematics: Why that our that handles? Under such speed, he still has one minute being able to grasp to us.
Logic: Unique rational method it is us to part escaping , pass through there , I pass through here , he all two grasps impossibly.
That man continues tracking:the logic nun. The mathematics nun gets to a monastery safely , worriesabout that can the logic nun meet with a mishap very much, and then sees the logic nun right away have entered entrance but.
Mathematics: Logic nun you finally return! Thank a host! Told me to what has come about quickly?
Logic: Unique rational thing happened, that man can not two track, therefore he comes topursue me right away.
Mathematics: Do check, but what has come about afterwards?
Logic: Unique rational thing happened, I useup running all-out, he also exhausts the sparing no effort field in back go after.
Mathematics: And then woollen cloth?
Logic: Unique rational thing happened, he has grasped to me.
Mathematics: Heavens! How does that handle?
Logic: I have done the unique rational thing , have pulled skirt.
Mathematics: Heavens, logic nun! That man? Logic: He has made the unique small side door
Four surgeons are surrounded sitting together , are talk them about liking to be what
person performs an operation. The first doctors said " I perform an operation like to be a book administrative person most. While you open their body, inside all things is abecedarian ".
Second doctors said " I perform an operation like to be an accountant most. While you open their body, all be to a note figure order arrangement".
Third doctors said "I perform an operation like to be an electrician most. While you look for their body open,all be to use colour to do code name”s".
Fourth doctors said "I perform an operation like to be Japanese most".
Other, three doctors eye each other , indicate that what suspicion , one among them ask. Fourth doctors said both ends can look at and appraise exchange because of they do not have a conscience , do not have backbone, and buttocks.

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