分類:初一作文 字數:500字 編輯:得得9
Today, we came to fame comparable to Suzhou and Hangzhou, to the "Midnight Bells" written in Maple.
We rode on the river boats passing, gradually approaching Maple. Afar off, Maple is a large building with stone arch bridge; approaching the point will see the bridge wall engraved many fine patterns, antique. Planted with rows of maple trees on the river bank, probably at night, there will be Zhang kind of mood.
Boarded the shore, stroll by the river a small way, I saw the river gurgling flow, accompanied by the rustle of the wind blowing the leaves, do not have some flavor.
We came to the arts and crafts workshops. There, the teacher should teach us create a small teapot. We follow the teacher”s steps, first into a large-scale device in the mud, get rid of the excess, the resort to a one-cm deep hole,
convenient cover lid. Done after the squeeze is stitched on both sides closer. Then a large-scale device aside, the mud into a small fast-mode devices in a small and open. And then to trim the lid, cut off the excess with a bamboo knife. Opens to a large-scale, and this, I opened it a crack two and a half, I had to quickly repair. Some of the more funny, pot split two and a half, and half close to the modeler to take no. Oops! I spout off, and must quickly make up!
We are out of work. My pot quickly fell apart; a male student made the pot a cube dice; some students spout and handle are lost, became a bottle of; Some students actually have four spout of the pot! Ha ha ha, the students are all ideas that work!
As the laughter stopped, we have reluctantly had to leave Suzhou.
Beautiful Maple, happy hand, Suzhou has always been the good memories remain in my heart.

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