分類:高一作文 字數:450字 編輯:pp958
感謝信 標籤:感謝信作文 一封感謝信作文 給父母的一封感謝信作文 給媽媽的一封感謝信作文
Dear Mrs.Wang,
The purpose of my writing this letter is to thank you for continuing to take care of me. Without your help, I might not have achieved so much success. I sincerely thank you, and wish you will have a better life in the future.
I got off the plane the day before yesterday. Everything was settled yesterday. I was very happy during my time in America. Your family has provided me with a good boarding life. Living there is as safe a room for me as living in my own home. While studying in the United States, you tutor for me.Besides for the past four years, you've cooked for me, washed my clothes, cleaned my room. Everything you do for me makes me feel extra relaxed and better. Zhou Yu I got very good grades when I graduated. Now that I have graduated, it is still difficult for me to forget the wonderful time I spent with you. I still remember that you used to get up early and early to tutor for me,but also taught me a lot of grammar I can not. Everything you haven't done for me has made my grades soar and that I can have a good grade. I will miss you after living in China. I look forward to your visit to China, I will provide you with better service.
I hope you're all well. Looking forward to your early reply.

- ·給老師和母校的一封感謝信450字
- ·未寄出的感謝信500字
- ·寫給老師的感謝信500字
- ·致班主任老師的一封感謝信300字
- ·感謝信400字
- ·感謝信400字
- ·給媽媽的一封感謝信500字
- ·致婷的荷友【感謝信】700字
- ·寫給祖國的一封感謝信1000字
- ·寫給小荷的感謝信300字
- ·給中學老師的感謝信450字
- ·一封感謝信700字
- ·感謝信100字
- ·送給白衣天使的感謝信400字
- ·給中學老師的感謝信700字
- ·感謝信450字
- ·感謝信200字
- ·給中學老師的感謝信600字
- ·感謝信450字
- ·感謝信700字
- ·感謝信400字
- ·小學畢業生寫給母校的感謝信範文800字
- ·給媽媽的感謝信500字
- ·致媽媽的一封感謝信700字
- ·致爸爸、媽媽的感謝信400字
- ·感謝信500字
- ·致魚兒的一封感謝信400字
- ·感謝信1200字
- ·給父母的一封感謝信400字
- ·感謝信500字
- ·健兒詩250字
- ·自強與奮鬥900字
- ·青春500字
- ·交流400字
- ·觀看游泳比賽600字
- ·我一直都知道450字
- ·陌上花開無人賞700字
- ·奔波400字
- ·我輸了1500字
- ·myclass200字
- ·精靈鼠自述800字
- ·烙印550字
- ·奮鬥:將你存檔600字
- ·好夢400字
- ·明日復明日350字
- ·鳳凰山作文 糾結作文
- ·那個雨夜作文 好爺爺作文
- ·黑夜作文 奇妙的世界作文
- ·遊仙境作文 愛,讓我感動作文
- ·夏天的顏色作文 捉雞記作文
- ·趵突泉作文
- ·看夕陽作文
- ·燈亮了作文
- ·第一次煎雞蛋作文
- ·奇觀作文
- ·我喜歡的吊蘭作文
- ·深秋作文500字 特產作文400字
- ·課堂作文500字 梧桐花開作文
- ·我的學習作文1000字 花朵作文
- ·情結作文500字 對你說作文450字
- ·惡魔作文 我們說好的作文
- ·非主流作文