for mary a letter_150字
分類:六年級作文 字數:150字 編輯:得得9
for mary a letter 標籤:letter作文 a letter作文 alette作文 internet作文
Dear Mary:
I know you have flu .I am very sorry,i can not visit you. Don not be worried about you flu .I think you will be well very soon.I think you must do more exercise . I do exercise everyday .And you can eat more vegetables,and eat a lot of fruit. You must keep in mind that don not eat junk food ,It is not healthy for you .At the same time you should also get enough sleep . Do remember ,it is the most important to stay happy every day.I hope you can be well .
yours, tom
for mary a letter 作文推薦:

for mary a letter 暫無評論
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- ·forever friend250字
- ·foreverthefriend1900字
- ·thank you for yo800字
- ·loveyouforever——100字
- ·foreverthefriend1300字
- ·你是我的foreverlove2000字
- ·下輩子的約定——foreverf600字
- ·初二英語作文:aletterfo600字
- ·friendforlife1900字
- ·forever2000字
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- ·learningforeignl200字
- ·forever夢300字
- ·初一下冊英語作文itistime200字
- ·forasmalldutchfr100字
- ·foreve100字
- ·onlyforyou終結孤單第一1100字
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- ·lights out for e1200字
- ·forever的姐妹②900字
- ·forevernow200字
- ·futile effort400字
- ·my plan for the 250字
- ·a letter to kiki100字
- ·a letter to her50字
- ·感謝恩師600字
- ·讀《凡卡》有感500字
- ·買葯450字
- ·觀《中小學生安全和傳染病防治教育500字
- ·水果拼盤大比拼350字
- ·我眼中的世界250字
- ·我眼中的世界900字
- ·歷史的選擇800字
- ·美麗的村莊我的家800字
- ·教師贊700字
- ·祖國在我心中800字
- ·祖國在我心中800字
- ·祖國在我心中800字
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- ·幸福就是現在作文