分類:六年級作文 字數:900字 編輯:pp958
New semester started, we changed to a new teacher, about his twenties, a very nice look, are all very happy.
First class, the teacher smiling into the classroom, the first self-introduction of some, and then pick up a pen to write on the blackboard Gonggongzhengzheng twelve on words: a dignified life, serious work. This is taught his first class of students at each level must say. At this point, I feel the teacher something special. What happened next is even more incredible, the teachers began to give us homework and assignments for ourselves; left word; study notes; recorded information; to parents feet, pour, to be blessed words. But also the person responsible for inspection. This is what work? We are talking about, Joji monks scratching their heads. The teacher then smiles at us.
The next few days, we really feel the charm of the young teacher, that he also likes playing football and table tennis, like to play computer games, he like a child, which the game ball to a controversial and we care about. We quickly became friends talk about anything.
I think what all good teachers, that is, when some lazy class. He is not the teacher explain the text as to give us, but we always look up, discuss, ask questions … … he is turning in turn, ask, ask that. Who even stumped him, he always will greatly praise. Oh, that I let him face in front of the class a lot praise, so I am happy for a few days!

- ·我與蜘蛛的“戰爭”400字
- ·輪迴(1)840字
- ·難忘的那段情500字
- ·越喝越“結石”600字
- ·學習的魔法1800字
- ·母親的背影600字
- ·釣魚的快樂700字
- ·雨300字
- ·讀書萬卷800字
- ·《綠》1198字
- ·母愛670字
- ·隨筆500字
- ·擦油污200字
- ·百變男生500字
- ·陽光200字
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