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名利場英語讀後感 標籤:春晚觀后感
Bunyan once in his book named Pilgrim’s Process described a place named ‘Vanity Fair’ where all kinds of vanity are sold, such as houses, lands, honors, preferments, titles,lusts, pleasures and delights of all sorts. As a matter of fact, we are living in such place today. We gradually become the participants of this fair and loyal followers of these hollow things. Espencially our modern grils’ changing view toward marriage, money and social status. They believe that they could easily live a life like a grand lady without making any efforts if they marry a wealthy man. As female college students, how to stick to our own belief and aviod being assimilated by the complex society, Thackeray’s novel Vanity Fair could give us a good instruction. Through the Rebacca’s attitude towards money, social status and marriage, I realize what is most important thing for a female.
Thackeray described the life of ruling classes of England in the early decades of the 19th century, and attacked the social relationship of bourgeois world by satirizing the individuals in the different strata of the upper society. Rebacca(becky) Sharp is a classic example of the money-grubbing instinct. Her only aspiration in life is to gain wealth and position by any means. Thackeray does not regard Rebacca as an exception. Everyone wishes to gain something in the Vanity Fair and acts almost in the same manner as Rebacca.
As an orphan, Rebacca’s birth can easily win our tears. It is an undenible fact that she is quite an ambitious and clever girl. As far as I am concerned, she could easily live a decent life with her own hand. However, because of the society and the innate deficits in her characteristics, she becomes very sophisticate and even tried to suduce her best friend’s brother so that she could win her place in the upper society and other’s admiration. However, for the people in the upper class, Rebacca’s humble birth cuold never be erased even though she married a rich man. In other’s eye, she was just a coquette who was quite good at suducing rich men. Why not use your own hand to create a bright future and win others’ true respect instead of relying on the man’s shoulder.
Rebacca liveed in a society which is ruled by money, everyone was crazy about money, Rebacca was no exception. She held the dream of living a life of a grand lady, wearing luxurious clothes and shining dimonds. In order to realize her dream, she used all kinds of immoral means to win the love of rich men. Finally, she got married with Rawdon Crawley, a good man who will inherit a large sum of money from her ant. However, the old lady refused because Crawley married Rebacca---a woman of low social status. Rebacca and her husband live a quite luxurious life in Pairs even though they could not make the both ends meet. Finally, Mr.Crawley was put in to prison because of heavy debets, while Rebacca started searching for another rich man who can pay for her luxurious bills. Rebacca betrayed her soul in the process of pursuiting money and gradually forgot the meaning of love.
Marriage is a holy thing in everyone’s life, but if you regard marriage as a good method of gaining money and improving your social status, you will suffer a lot from it. Although you live a decent life and gain other’s admiration,you may never be ture happy because you never know what is love and responsibilty. Rebacca’s marriage is a good example. She took a quite easy attitude towords marriage. Her marriage was just a method which helped her get in to the upper class and live a rich life. Ther is no wonder that she was so cruel to her husband and flirted with another rich man when her husband was in the prison. Here I want to mention another female----Amelia, a girl of simple mind. In Rebacca’s mind she was a fool. At first, she held the same view as Rebacca. Her husband’s death in the war made her become a sorrowful widow. Till one day Rebacca told her that her husband once asked Rebaccato run with him. Amelia was angry and married a man who has taken care of her for several years uncomplainly. Amelia is not a cold hearted women, although her dream of being a grand lady had vanished,but she experienced a life of being truly loved. While for Rebacca, she will forever lived in the Vanity Fair and never has the chance to experience this kind of love. In my eye , Amelia is wiser than her.
Rebacca is a tragic female during that period. Although this novel ended with a happy ending--- Rebacca got marriad with Amelia’s brother and inherited a large sum of money, liveed a grand lady’s life ---who dare to say that Rebacca will stop betraying her soul and keep away from Vanity Fair I would like to give an advice to her and to the grils in our modern society: please keep always from Vanity, and take a correct attitude towards money, social status and marriage. Money is not every in our life. The improvement of our social status needs our own efforts instead of relying on others. Mrriage is a holly thing in our girls’ life, which requires our responsibility and loyalty. Or we will forever live in a hollow world and the dream of vanity will finally destory us.
During the period of winter holidays, i have read a novel "vanity fair ".main circumstance of novel may divide two clues. a clue depicts the deceased poor painter”s daughter becky after leaving pingkedun woman boarding school , stays temporarily at rich family miss amelia home, but she try to seduce amelia ”s elder brother to enter good society. after this matter failed, becky comes to pitt crawley’s home as family teacher, at the same time she plays some cute means such as being unctuous, and ganging with to good use. but when pitt makes a proposal to becky after losing spouse,she has already married knight”s son rawdon. another a clue write pure girl amelia being deeply in love of the officer george osborne, surmounts all obstacles finally getting married with him . but her husband abandons her very quickly right away. amelia is spoony to george, even if after her husband died ,she still is unwilling to get remarried to others. final, becky tells the fact that george made an appointment with self to elope before one”s death , amelia agree get married. becky be abandoned because personal relationship is found that by the husband afterwards. her old age gets a sum of inheritance from another lover joseph in hand, charities beginning to be enthusiastic in.
Have to admit this story is very real. person inside the vanity fair is unable to see clearly , the vanity fair is external person same be unable to see clearly. somebody all longs for money , position. once you have owned one kind among them, the other person all pays special regard to you. the dobbin uses a lifetime love to have waited till his loved one , he dedicates his youth and time to the pitiful people in vanity fair. but, the final is good . i think the author can’t bear to let good person suffer hardships , the kind people has got happiness , has come in and gone out of in the ()vanity fair. those are avaricious , selfish , foolish , proud, a man of no scruples has got due retribution. have looked at several time with final., a little bit happy , a little bit grieved. this is not only a novel , this is a society in miniature. it is not just in the united kingdom at that time, it is also in today. who is not encumbered with the fame and fortune the others are based on this. while the material life problem does not solve, whom does go after a kind of fabulous pure ideal therefore, the purpose that the college student studies has become a job , working is to have a portion to be able to let person look upon one with special respect live. certainly, this does not alternate , we all are a chessman that destiny hits the target personally. be considering self social status , be considering how to go to raise self social status. people is able to go to adore other people only , talking those prominent persons, your about goes and not composing , will there is somebody go and composing.
Vanity fair , how can we come in and go out of in this place , how to face this local , everybody is all ignorant in the novel selfish , eager for fame and fortune, end up efforts for nothing.
Author thackeray draws a lifelike tableau of the vanity fair inrealityin the novel , life middle is betrayed deceiving and blackmailing each other , cheating , snobbish vanity waits for ugly action to show most incisive. the author writes road finally: "oh! vanity in vanity! whom do we there be to be happy woollen cloth on this world whom have we had to accomplish everything according to one”s wishes but even if so-called, whom does there be to have satisfied woollen cloth "
During this term, I have read a novel Vanity Fair. The novel was written by the British writer William Makepeace Thackeray in the 19th century. This work made him become famous overnight. William Makepeace Thackeray was born in a well-to-do family. He received higher education. He was against affection. He said of himself, “I have no brains above my eyes; and I describe what I see.” Thackeray presented his characters as they are real in life. He recorded the failings of his characters, as well as their merits and capacities. His cynical attitude towards life explains the fact that most of his clever people are rogues and mist of his virtuous people are fools.
Vanity Fair is a novel without a Hero, satirizing society in early 19th-century Britain. The book”s title comes from John Bunyan”s allegorical story The Pilgrim”s Progress, first published in 1678 and still widely read at the time of Thackeray”s novel. Vanity fair refers to a stop along the pilgrim”s progress: a never-ending fair held in a town called Vanity, which is meant to represent man”s sinful attachment to worldly things. The novel is now considered a classic, and has inspired several film adaptations.
Thackeray described his characters through contrast. His main characters always come in pairs as Amelia Sedley and Becky Sharp. The story opens at Miss Pinkerton”s Academy for Young Ladies, where the principal protagonists Becky Sharp and Amelia Sedley have just completed their studies and are preparing to depart for Amelia”s house in Russell Square. The book was developed on two clues. One is about the deceased poor painter”s daughter Becky. After leaving Pinkerton Woman Boarding School, she stays temporarily at rich family Miss Amelia’s home, but she dissatisfies with her life there. She tries to seduce Amelia”s elder fat brother Joseph Sedley in order to enter the rank and fashion society. Eventually, because of the warnings from Captain Osborne,she fails. Later, Becky goes to Pitt Crawley’s home as a tutor. She plays some means such as being unctuous. Her behavior at Mr. Pitt”s house gains her the favor from Mr. Pitt who proposes to her after the early death of his second wife. However, it soon transpires that Becky is already secretly married to his second son, Rawdon Crawley, a gallant but ignorant and dissolute man. Later, Becky has a son from. But she is a cold, distant mother. Finally, Becky is abandoned. After many vicissitudes, though her ambitions are defeated, she ends up as a “respected” member of society.
The other clue writes the pure girl Amelia who is deeply in love with the officer George Osborne. George ultimately decides to marry Amelia against his father”s will. But, George is deprived his inheritance consequently by his father. They still overcome many obstacles and finally get married. Before long, the newly wedded George grows tired of Amelia, and he becomes increasingly attached to Becky. Although her husband abandons her very quickly, Amelia is spoony to George. Even if after her husband died, she is unwilling to remarry soon. Finally, stung by conscience, Becky tells the fact that George made an appointment with self to run away with him before his death. This breaks George”s perfect image in Amelia”s mind. After knowing the fact, Amelia agrees to get married to Dobbin.
The book Vanity Fair is the third foreign novel I have read. At first, I cannot understand the main idea of the novel. I just think that the writer use lots of words to describe the two main characters Becky and Amelia. However as I read into details, I found the novel among my favorite ones.
In this novel, I like the name of novel “Vanity Fair” and the subtitle “A Novel without a Hero”. When you see the name, you will understand the main idea of the novel. The Victorian egoistic, hypocritical, and money-grabbing aristocratic and commercial society is a vanity fair. They are not only a show of Thackeray’s cynical view toward life but also a declaration of that the epoch in which capitalists, or aristocrats posed themselves as heroes. For instance, Amelia Sedley is a fool; her husband has slept with Becky Sharp, but she still sticks to her loyalty to him and keeps the doting Dobbin waiting for her hand.
At the same time, the writer adopts a great number of rhetorical devices to describe the two main figures’ words, expression and behavior. That makes the sentences vivid and arouses the readers’ interest in reading. The images, plot and language show the hidden paradox of sensuality and redemption. The book gives us a whole view of the nobility’s life which is pretty extravagant. Reading between the lines, we can find that Becky is a beautiful and strong-willed and cunning young woman who is determined to make her way to the upper society. To get rid of poverty, Becky makes every possible effort, by hook or by crook. She is a great believer of Be yourself and on your way! Given in the modern society, Becky is an ambitious woman. She is not afraid of failure. However, because of the lack of a perfect plan, she failed in the end. Becky is a tragedy in character. By contrast, Amelia Sedley is a good-natured, loveable though simple-minded young girl. She does not understand what life is. She is portrayed as a coward. She is pitiful but happy. She does not run counter to her fate, but yield herself up to it quite contently. Yet God blesses her. She comes across a perfect man Dobbin and gets married to him at last.
When I read to the part where Becky seduced Amelia’s husband, I felt a strong hatred for Becky inside myself. When it comes to that Amelia was abandoned by her husband, I had my sympathy for her. When I finished reading, I had deep feelings. I could not help asking myself:“What kind of person am I The Becky or the Amelia ” Fortunately, I am none of them. As James Allen puts it: “Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.” I will bravely seek after the happiness like Becky, but never in her way.
Although Vanity Fair was written in the 19th century, the novel is still of reflective value to our real world. In our society, people are unable to see things clearly. They are confused because their minds are full of wealth, power, vanity or so-called love. This love is like a game, not a true love. It’s easy for us to encounter some Beckys in the real world. Becky is a representative of people who are governor-oriented or money talks. In their mind, power and money means everything. They can give up all for positions and money. In the novel, to enter the upper class, Becky sets morality aside to seduce Amelia’s husband. She is a negative example which reminds us what is not to be done. On the contrary, Amelia stands for those people who are spineless. They are conventional and tend to accept the reality as it is. They have no intention to struggle for something better. And therefore, it’s difficult for them to have a place in the world.
However, as a female, I think Becky is very brave. Everyone longs for happiness. Everyone pursues happiness. Thus, what Becky has done are only for her simple aim----happiness. Because she comes from an ignoble family, she has to try her best to do everything. She has only herself to rely on. She believes that a woman of low birth can marry into the purple. Due to her strong-mindedness, she never gives up when difficulties arise, though sometimes she is in the wrong way.
Nowadays, people are going after fame and fortune. Once you have owned one of them, others will pay social attention to you, which makes you arrogant and proud and forget who you are.
That”s what Becky does. On one hand, she is full of ideas and intelligence. On the other hand, she is dangerous and cunning. It is true that every one should try his best to achieve what he is pursuing. But we should do it in a proper and moral way. And whatever we do, we shouldn”t forget that love and humanity should remain the most cherishable elements in our life.
Amelia is a kind, warm-hearted and tolerant person. She gets well along with each other. If Becky Sharp can own all these virtues she can also live a good life. However,something happens in life is inevitable. It is her poor family background that makes Becky become so audacious.
Vanity Fair is a trap that everyone is likely to step into however careful he may try to be. Thackeray has drawn a lifelike tableau of the Vanity Fair in reality in the novel. That is the reason why the novel has been popular for so many years.
Besides, the novel reminds me of one popular American TV series Gossip Girl. In the TV series, it also describes the life of the upper society. The young people lose themselves in the vanity fair. They craze to vie with each other. They look down upon the poor. They say evil words about others, even about their best friends. They are all self-approbation and self-centered. They always want others to surrender to them. Though they may, sometimes, feel lonely inside, the struggle for money, position and famous brands captures more of their attention and effort. Like Becky, they achieve their aims by hook or by crook.
Therefore, I ask: “vanity fair, how can we come in and go out of this place ” Up to now, I still find it difficult to tell whether it is good or bad. Through his novel Vanity Fair, Thackeray would like to tell us that we are supposed to have the right attitudes towards fame and fortune. We cannot give up all just for money and position. Otherwise, we would be abandoned by our families and friends. Moreover, we should understand one thing----No one can be happy without a friend. Thus, friends are far more important in our life. We should cherish our friendships at hand, because it would not follow you for life!
Furthermore, we, as women of the new era, should make our voice heard to the world: “We are not weak; we are the masters of this world!” We should bravely seek after our happiness, but in a proper way. Meanwhile, we should be independent. We cannot always rely on others. We should have our own dreams, our own aspiration. In doing so, happiness will be there waiting for us.
Today we are living in a harmonious society; we should keep our purity and humanity. Fame and fortune are important, but they are not everything. Love and humanity are of more importance for a peaceful life. We should trust each other, help each other, and take care of each other.
The author concludes his book by saying: "Ah! In the vanity fair, things are empty! In this world, who are happy among us Who also can attain all his wishes Even so, who will be satisfied with what he has had Dear friends, please use your action to find out the answer.” Yes, it is time for us to reflect and take action.
Now, I have found out my answer. It is to strive, to seek, to find, but never to yield! What about yours

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