手機:M版 分類:公眾演講 編輯:pp958
女士們、先生們: 下午好! 首先,請允許我做一個簡短的自我介紹。我是來自中海發展股份有限公司油輪公司的琳達。我畢業於大連海事大學,是一名法學碩士。目前負責保險理賠業務。今天,我有幸站在這個講台上,並藉此機會表明,我十分榮幸地成為中海集團大家庭中的一員。 中海集團僅僅走過了短短六年的歷程,就已在國內外航運界享有了很高的聲譽,並有着極其輝煌的未來。眾所周知,中海油運是中海集團旗下的大型專業化公司之一,並贏利豐厚。請允許我回顧一下今年以來中海油運所取得的成績。 Good afternoon ! Ladies and Gentlemen, First of all, may I have the honor to introduce myself in short I’m Linda from China Shipping Development Co.,Ltd.Tanker Company, graduated as a master of law from Dalian Maritime University last March, and now I am taking charge of claims & insurance affair. While standing on this stage, I cherish this opportunity to say I am so proud to be one member of the great family of China Shipping Group, who has the most splendid future in the shipping world. As you may know, tanker company is one of the biggest and most profitable one, so, may I cherish the honor to sum up our achievement early this year 七月一日上午,李克麟總裁及中海高層領導來油運調研時,對我們的成績給予了高度評價。今年上半年,我們遇到了許多困難,如伊拉克戰爭,非典流行,市場波動起伏等等。我們為此作出了巨大的努力,並取得了很大成功。利潤比去年同期增加了16%,佔到了整個集團今年上半年贏利的40%以上。最令人激動的是,李總裁為整個集團公司的發展騰飛描繪了一幅新的藍圖。2005年,中海集運將成為世界一流的集裝箱船隊;中海貨運將成為國內一流的散貨船隊;2010年,中海油運將成為內外貿相結合的具有較強競爭力的世界級船隊。屆時中海集團將實現第二次新的騰飛。 On the morning of July 1st , President Mr. Li Kelin and other senior officials came to visit us. President Li said high praise for our accomplishments—in the first half of this year, we overcame a lot of difficulties such as turbulence of the market, increasing of operating cost, break out of Iraq war, interference of SARS and so on, we made great efforts and achieved great success. We earn a large amount of profit which is almost 16% increase than the same period of last year, and contributes over 40% for the total profit in the whole Group. The most exciting brightness is that President Li outlined the blueprint for the whole Group, that is, up to year 2005, our container company shall grow up into the first class container fleet in the world; our bulk company shall grow up into the first class bulk fleet in China, focusing on domestic transportation; up to 2010, our tanker company shall grow up into the first class and
most competitive tanker fleet in the world, focusing on both domestic and overseas transportation. These are the twice historical overflyings in China Shipping Group!! 面對新的發展藍圖,中海的每一個員工無不感到由衷的自豪與歡欣鼓舞。我們的集團正在日益走向壯大。美好的發展前景,對我們每個員工,特別是我們青年員工來說,不啻是一個巨大的喜訊。 Everyone in China Shipping is very excited and proud, because our Group is growing stronger and stronger. Without doubt, that’s the greatest news for every member of us, especially for us young people. 我們生逢其時。我們充滿燦爛輝煌的前途。因為,我們正站在由我們的前輩們所取得的巨大成績的顛峰上。請再次允許我,向所有的海運前輩們,包括在坐的各位,說一聲“謝謝”!是你們用熱誠和執着為我們鋪平了前進的道路,同時,你們也賦予了我們青年人一個新的任務。即我們,從新世紀的新起點開始,必須努力在不遠的將來取得更大的成功。 Now we are standing on the peak of great achievements built by our predecessors, we’d like to say “thank you” to all the practitioners including everybody of you sitting here today. Nevertheless, you leave us young people a new task, that is, we should struggle to make greater progress in the future, as youth is a new startup in new century. 歷史無數次地證實了青年對發展的渴望。青年人的渴望也是最強烈的。一個雄辯的事實是:青年一代是任何團體的財富。沒有一支青年隊伍,任何一個團體也無法雄起。 History has established many times that our hunger for achievement is highly developed and by far the strongest in the youth. It is also a known fact that the real wealth of any community is its young generation. No community can rise above the quality of its youth. 青年人渴望得到黨政領導的支持,鼓勵滿懷建設性意見的青年人走向成功。更希望黨政領導帶領我們,拼搏前行,直至整個國家走向繁榮。 Our youth is longing for the present leadership to support us to get moving. Leaders are expected to lead a community and even a country towards prosperity. Youth with constructive ideas must be encouraged to achieve their goals. 青年人應該樹立這樣一個理念:“企業是基礎,思考是資本,苦幹是方法”。企業為我們提供了成才的寬廣舞台,我們都應該竭盡全力地為企業工作。我們深知,要為企業建功立業,除了發奮苦幹,舍此沒有其他道路可走。 We should set up a roadmap where “thinking is the capital, enterprise is the way, hard work is the solution.” Every one of us should struggle to make the best for our company, and at the same time, we all know there is no alternative to endeavor and hard work. 只有在年輕的時候,就堅信並樹立夢想一定會實現的信念,財富和成功才會向我們走來。 It is only when we begin to believe in our youth and the goals we have set out, that what we dream and expect will become into reality; prosperity and success will begin to flow. 同充滿創造力和活力的青年人在一起是多麼美好啊!青年人有充滿夢幻的激情,有追求世界上最美好事物的熱情;有堅定的信念,有刻苦勤奮的精神,我們一定能實現偉大的目標。 我們憧憬着中海美好的輝煌未來! 我們肩負着中海騰飛的歷史責任! Youth have the power and potential to pursue great things; youth have the ability to achieve the very best in the world; youth have the fantastic mix of dreams, beliefs, diligence, industriousness, and capability to obtain what we set out to do. What a great feeling it is to be among the youth full of creativity and enthusiasm. What a great responsibility has been conferred on us! 賦予我們信任吧!我們將接過前輩的接力棒,殫精竭慮為中海的發展壯大而努力工作。用我們的青春,把中海的名字鐫刻在世界一流航運企業的行列里,儘早把發展的藍圖變為騰飛的現實! 謝謝大家! Give us trust and belief, we will do our best to make good reputation for China Shipping; let the name of China Shipping go into the first class of international shipping community; let the great blueprint come into reality at an early date! Thank you for your kind attention !(
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