手機:M版 分類:現代散文 編輯:得得9
吳雨辰 文
一盞清茶憶千縷,低吟清風傷懷時。緣生緣滅衷情散,伊人相還無歸期。一腔柔情,閑愁萬種,繁華盪盡,都成雲煙,思緒一路風塵伴花開,心碎隨花謝,開時艷麗,去時傷,夢醒終難留!奈何,前塵往事,盡皆飄渺,愛已蒙塵!空剩一枕落花香如故。有誰知?會有千折百回的斷腸?沒有人能了解、那一片片凋零的歲月下,瀰漫著不屑的愁怨心酸?只有寂寞如煙舒展凄凄疏影。攜帶着無邊的遐想,凝結了太多歲月里的無奈心傷,春天遺失的花瓣散落一地、就是一番意境里紛擾的詩行,激蕩在心湖的塵煙水色、就是一腔悲涼的凄楚絕唱、山高水遠已隔斷 破鏡重圓成夢幻。
花開花落香擾夢,緣來緣散疼心扉。藏盡今生所有傷,慕然回首淚染面。愛、遺忘了紫羅蘭的芳香,恨、送走了普羅旺斯的紫色浪漫。心隨着一季花瓣散落紅塵。沉默的輪迴渡口,凝眸處,誰用一縷悵然?荒蕪了來時的路,縈繞心間載不動千古離愁,紅塵萬丈的深淵,木然了多少淚眼婆娑?心腐蝕在未央的夜裡,夜幕蕭瑟,清淚紛飛。展一卷空白信紙,寫一箋心語,靜靜的想念,輕愁若水,心魂無奈徘徊的那刻,用兩行清淚,把悲痛寫成詩篇、雁翔碧空人已遠,一人獨思灑清淚。何解愁容淡相悲 劃破紙張淡墨飛。
thatched cottage poetry prosea lamp that green tea have thousand wisp wind when any whisper( : )
WuYuChen wen
Mountain in shansi purple smoke the same brightness, turbid Yellow River of the night, like a dream life in between, the light enough play miles. Swing between sleeve, plum dies, aromatic fall do. Wandering in the night, SuiYing jackals cry in the mood of the word still indifferent to enron. Let fly thoughts and melancholy winding dance, rippling waves in the glittering heart lake, hang down in sorrow prose who, how many times the poem was disappointed. The fog rest on water HuangHeDi, empty Bess YangLiuCui long. Embrace a paragraph of text on your fingers lingered on recess, carry a wisp of QianNian, twisting the dream flowers, disappeared place, moonlight hazy, there are multicolored Heart throb, pulling back from the dream lost good, keep a night of quiet, adopt a wisp of moonlight lonesome, playing a song of lingering thoughts, and smell a surge of sprinkled desolate, cut acacia write sad, dim blue with bitterness.
The world of mortals you hatred of the tip, the vicissitudes of life has become mindful of injury. Of tangled up, there are about to say to endlessly of disconsolate, a lonely figure in TuiJin, so after QiChuang you hatred, in the sound of a deep sigh stranded. The flowing water of low clouds in full bloom methotrexate shallow sing, in vain when the time, put down the back of completion will dry, observing a persistence can`t let go, let pain into qun, tears fell ShanRan, who feel pain Deep in the heart of that margin, broken on completion of the brilliant sorrow, messy the busy life. Years, only a vacant, so to, so the volatile past. The night of the time QingChang, sad thoughts like fluttering, fleeting flashy to spare, with regret of clear tears flow, jin of purple theology, haunted by the infinite sadness. Only thorough floating, absence of YuHen when wounds of feeling. Our buddies sneer at, rain bumpy vicissitudes of life long.
A lamp that green tea have thousand wisp, low moans hopeless when facing the wind. Edge out a full confession zai scattered, she is still no return. A cavity tender feelings, carefree sorrow ten thousand kinds, busy DangJin, into the drain, a nissan pick-up thoughts with blossom, with flower heart xie, when a gorgeous, to damage, we wake up eventually retention! Alternative, sing the past, do all misty, love has dust! Empty remain a pillow fall as flowers. Have who knows There will be hundreds of thousands to a discount No one can understand, the pieces of the withering under years, permeates disdainful of sorrow hatred touching Only the lonely stretches the smoke QiQi thin film. Carrying the boundless daydream, the epitome of too many days but heartache, spring lost petals scattered, the artistic conception is a troubled poem, echoes in the heart lake water color, is a cavity stood QiChu dismal song, hill high water far already partition coming together into dreams.
Blossom sweet dreams about, ah scattered painful heart margin. As all this life hidden wounds, MuRan look back tears dye face. Love, forgotten violet fragrant, and hate, off the provence, purple romantic. Heart with a season petals scatter the world of mortals. The cycle of silence the fords in disappeared, who use a wisp of disappointed The desert the passage, lingering heart years don`t move thousands of sky, the world of mortals of millions of the deep, callous how much my eyes dance In the heart WeiYang corrosion at night, the night and summer, clear tears are blown. Show a roll of blank paper, write a work thoughts, silent miss, light sorrow if water, but the mind wander the moment, with two lines of clear tears, the poem, written in grief xiang the blue sky people far already, a person only thought clear tears spilled. Why sad sad cut paper in light light ink fly.
雨辰風格 原創詩詞 音畫素材 歡迎轉載 對複製粘貼 侵權必究

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