分類:初三作文 字數:450字 編輯:小景
When I got home from school on Friday, I found that my home was empty. I called my parents and asked them about it. They all went to my grandmother's home. I was already hungry and hungry, but I had no money left on me. I had to turn over the refrigerator and found that there were still dumplings left over from yesterday in the refrigerator.
I learned how my mother looked. First I poured a pot of water into the electric oven and heated it. When the water boiled, I could put the dumplings in. After waiting for a long time, the water finally boiled. I quickly put the dumplings in. After a while, I touched the dumplings with my hands. The dumplings were still stiff, so I went to watch TV.
At the end of the animation episode, I was still enjoying the contents of the animation. Suddenly my stomach growled. I remembered that the kitchen was still boiling dumplings. I hurried to see that the soup had already dried and the bottom of the pot was black, but I was a non-picky person. After cooking the dumplings for so long and ripening, I would eat them too.
Through this matter, I understand that no matter what you do, you can't be half-hearted, or you'll be easy to get rid of the water in a bamboo basket.
- ·下水餃300字
- ·下水餃450字
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- ·第一次下水游泳400字
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- ·文廟(教師下水文)900字
- ·下水游泳50字
- ·學游泳——第一次下水900字
- ·第一次下水300字
- ·第一次下水600字
- ·第一次下水600字
- ·第一次下水500字
- ·第一次下水300字
- ·運動會精彩瞬間(下水作文)1600字
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- ·下水200字
- ·上水……下水1100字
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- ·掉下水500字
- ·拉弟弟下水600字
- ·年邁的“下水道疏通工”500字
- ·我把弟弟推下水500字
- ·下水道的自述700字
- ·學校的“戰爭”700字
- ·那村,那水,那人情450字
- ·感時花濺淚100字
- ·夏...遠逝200字
- ·古木沉香700字
- ·隨筆500字
- ·心中的那道陽光600字
- ·秋600字
- ·游六峰山600字
- ·釣魚之樂500字
- ·請讓我走近你700字
- ·讚歌獻給譚老師800字
- ·不管天多黑450字
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- ·遺失的友誼700字
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