分類:初一作文 字數:1200字 編輯:pp958
生活中的煩瑣與抱怨 標籤:生活中的點點滴滴作文 生活中的一件事作文 生活中的美麗作文 捕捉生活中的美作文
In the language class, teacher lets schoolmates arrange in order two detailed lists, one matter which is complained, one matter which is feels grateful.after I displayed these two detailed lists, one by one looked again. In the complaint matter first was quick tests. Yes, tests, in mine idea by the pressure, the worry, anxious and so on and so on with huge crowds of people have already been encircled watertight. What but is undeniable, in feels grateful in the detailed list first matter is also tests, because will test might rise from now on to the high first-level school, will also have nearly two month-long long vacations, that will be makes the matter which very much one anticipated. is obvious, regardless of being the complaint or feels grateful, has the intrinsic relation. I hate the test, it lets me so be all the time anxious; I will loathe the parents forever endless talking incessantly, will cause me not to the completely matter be optional “the happy face”. But I feel grateful the test time and time again, lets me clearly recognize that own insufficiency, thank parents” talking incessantly, these will talk incessantly are show loving concern, let me not lose, will not walk in the boundless life wilderness loses.the reason that we complained that many matters, are because they make our body and mind to be all weary, attacks weakly in us place most sorrowful place. However, we whether to have thought is precisely these disciplines causes us frail place becomes endures, thus has promoted itself.therefore , we complained these matters, is also precisely we most should feel grateful! the gratitude unpleasant result, feels grateful the fatiguesome physical ability training, grateful parents” chattering, the gratitude soon arrives tests ......These once were “the complaint detailed list” inhabitant, now actually in I “feel grateful the detailed list” on to live, and will be will forever be stationed! with that many complaints, waves the hand makes farewell speech, enables them to become us to feel grateful the cornerstone, felt grateful they to enable us to grow true thorough informed and experienced.
生活中的煩瑣與抱怨 作文推薦:

- ·生活中的煩瑣與抱怨1200字
- ·失落與抱怨500字
- ·借口與抱怨500字
- ·煩瑣的生活200字
- ·曾幾何時,忘記了煩瑣的往事800字
- ·女孩與抱抱熊900字
- ·藏在心中的抱怨500字
- ·婚姻中的抱怨500字
- ·生活不喜歡抱怨500字
- ·抱怨生活300字
- ·生活中的生活700字
- ·永遠不要抱怨,選擇自立自強1000字
- ·最常抱怨人類的兩大人體器官300字
- ·《不抱怨的世界》讀後感1000字
- ·不抱怨300字
- ·不抱怨600字
- ·我不抱怨700字
- ·我不抱怨——小草的自述900字
- ·抱怨無奈的春遊400字
- ·抱怨500字
- ·抱怨600字
- ·抱怨500字
- ·抱怨不是我的菜700字
- ·抱怨何其多900字
- ·抱怨目標800字
- ·抱怨珍惜曇花1100字
- ·不可思議的抱怨500字
- ·不要抱怨600字
- ·不要抱怨500字
- ·不要抱怨200字
- ·你還在抱怨嗎700字
- ·假如你還在抱怨300字
- ·不要抱怨200字
- ·不要抱怨600字
- ·抱怨珍惜曇花1100字
- ·抱怨500字
- ·自尊自信自立自強1600字
- ·自尊自信自立自強1300字
- ·我心目中的偉人250字
- ·我的媽媽不是偉人600字
- ·偉人地——我們的翠亨村600字
- ·偉人的使命900字
- ·世界偉人愛情短信500字
- ·改變世界的偉人——喬布斯450字
- ·唐太宗——命中注定的帝王900字
- ·米蘭花作文 實踐出真知作文
- ·血薔薇作文 我要長大作文
- ·看人生作文 野草作文
- ·我與紅領巾的故事作文 明媚的春作文
- ·我心中的長征作文 數字作文
- ·幽夜公主作文
- ·看桃花作文
- ·回到童年作文600字
- ·我最喜歡的老師作文400字
- ·捉魚作文400字
- ·老師的讚歌作文
- ·祖國媽媽我愛你作文 第一個作文400字
- ·紫色的夢作文600字 作戰作文900字
- ·雨後的彩虹作文400字 讀《愛的教育》有感800字
- ·水滴作文500字 魔術表演作文500字
- ·濟南作文800字 洗紅領巾作文400字
- ·自然的美作文500字