分類:高二作文 字數:600字 編輯:pp958
啟程 標籤:啟程作文
At home for a month, I'm finally going to leave. Alas, the most reluctant thing is Li Nanbao, who quarrels with him every night before going to bed, but still thinks that he's very cute except he doesn't like to write math problems.
Every day, he calls me to make ice cream, cake materials and tools. He buys them or makes unsuccessful snacks at home. He will give them delicious snacks. I once asked him if you know what Grandma likes to eat. After a long time of thinking, I said, "My aunt knows you love ice-cream cake and fried hamburgers. You also need to observe what Grandma likes to eat. When you grow up, you can buy her something like an aunt. Then he starts to observe what Grandma likes to eat at night and is very happy." I told him I was playing chicken. He occasionally looked at the side and said that it was easy to get off the plane and give my children fun. Preparing for the ten seconds before the race, he felt very happy when he was running, jumping, swimming in the sea. When I killed the game, even if it was a human machine, he would always boast that Aunt was so good.
Even if he was killed by the enemy, he would feel that Aunt was so good. My aunt sometimes kisses me when she wants to refuel. It's like an ideal boyfriend. Last night, he told him that you won't see my aunt when you come home from school tomorrow. Oh, later, when he quarreled before going to bed, he estimated that he would go to work when he thought of me. He said that you could not see Li Nan when you went to work in the next day. Then he fell asleep last night. It was very hot and dry before falling asleep. His muttering face felt lovely. This morning, there was a storm. One person, two suitcases, an umbrella, and all kinds of food bags and shoes from his parents were wet. His pants were wet. He didn't understand that the clothes on the suitcase were mildewed. He didn't get on the bus and had a clear sky for ten thousand miles.
I wish Bon and myself a safe journey and all the best.

- ·啟程寒假之旅100字
- ·心的啟程,夢的開始500字
- ·為夢啟程900字
- ·為愛啟程400字
- ·啟程200字
- ·啟程500字
- ·啟程450字
- ·啟程600字
- ·啟程·青春800字
- ·準備啟程800字
- ·萬花筒.啟程500字
- ·啟程500字
- ·啟程600字
- ·啟程,趕路300字
- ·啟程200字
- ·五月啟程『小升初考前夕記錄系列』100字
- ·帶着我們的理想,啟程600字
- ·在逗號中啟程700字
- ·啟程1200字
- ·玻璃瓶【十二】最後一課,啟程回家1600字
- ·荒村歸來——死神的啟程700字
- ·啟程100字
- ·夜間,愛啟程200字
- ·帶着夢想啟程400字
- ·青春·啟程700字
- ·帆船,帶着我的理想和希望啟程!100字
- ·完美時空2啟程完成終極任務3000字
- ·夏日·啟程800字
- ·生命的啟程1000字
- ·啟程吧,少年600字
- ·不可為外人道400字
- ·梳子上的愛900字
- ·一生有夢300字
- ·懈怠350字
- ·關於寫作文350字
- ·溫馨的一幕500字
- ·學習感悟500字
- ·捉摸不透500字
- ·寫作隨感450字
- ·玩微信500字
- ·主次500字
- ·怪圈450字
- ·成長的方式500字
- ·做一個堅強的姑娘1100字
- ·腳步450字
- ·北戴河游作文 手勢作文
- ·停電了作文 萌芽作文
- ·我的小樹作文 一生作文
- ·校園裡的一件事作文 合家歡作文
- ·學英語日記作文 玩得真開心作文
- ·我登上了月球作文
- ·一隻小豬作文
- ·幫媽媽洗碗作文200字
- ·刻骨銘心作文
- ·放風箏作文
- ·我想對媽媽說作文400字
- ·語文老師作文300字 不尋常的春天作文700字
- ·照片作文800字 我的新老師作文600字
- ·老了作文400字 誰說作文400字
- ·國慶節作文150字 無賴作文
- ·不懂作文150字 學期作文900字
- ·行者作文600字