分類:高三作文 字數:700字 編輯:得得9
The prime minister is the head of the federal government. He makes decisions and laws for all of Canada, and allows some ideas the cabinets and the members of the parliament suggest. He governs the main things all over the country, for example, he can call the federal election. He discusses finance, military, defence, and something with the other countries and talks about foreign affairs. The members of parliament also give him some advice about everything in the all country.
If I were prime minister, I would make decisions about everything. There is a law I want to change. I would change the law about the immigration become Canadian citizen. I want the immigrations become Canadian citizens after two years. As far as I know, the new immigration works can make lots of money, but Canadian citizen worker can make lots of money.
If I were prime minister, I would change some defence laws. In Canada, some people can buy guns, some people use the guns to kill someone. It makes me scare and never walk on the street at night, I would like to ban people use guns to kill people. If someone have trade about the guns, I would arrest them.
If I were prime minister, I would change the law about the 14 years old”s student can drive. In Canada, if the people enough sixteen years old, they can drive. I think that is too bang, because they are too young. I would make a law that people can drive if they enough are eighteen years or older.
假如我是加拿大?理 作文推薦:

- ·假如我是加拿大?理700字
- ·游加拿大國家電視塔800字
- ·幻想加拿大之醒了700字
- ·加拿大來信4500字
- ·美麗的國度——加拿大700字
- ·給遠在加拿大的王國棟同學的一封信800字
- ·加拿大生活1600字
- ·加拿大遊記1-----飛向溫哥華700字
- ·加拿大修學感言1000字
- ·加拿大之旅800字
- ·美麗的加拿大100字
- ·碎看加拿大1100字
- ·介紹加拿大300字
- ·困難挫折就是加諸在我們身上的泥沙700字
- ·仿寫艾青《假如我是一隻鳥》,《假100字
- ·假如我是環保局局長900字
- ·假如我是環保局局長800字
- ·假如我是環保局局長1000字
- ·假如我是環保局局長800字
- ·假如我是環保局局長700字
- ·假如我是環保局局長800字
- ·假如我是護士長1100字
- ·假如我是一個護士500字
- ·假如我是一名護士400字
- ·假如我是一名護士500字
- ·假如我是一顆櫻桃樹500字
- ·假如我是一名導演1100字
- ·假如我是一片落葉500字
- ·假如我是個甲型h1n1流感患者500字
- ·假如我是一名公務員600字
- ·我的姥姥700字
- ·此間少年,忽而盛開500字
- ·如今的生活500字
- ·有沒有一首歌讓你感動600字
- ·一段時光一首歌500字
- ·笑着聽一首歌350字
- ·靜靜的聽一首歌600字
- ·奉獻是一首歌900字
- ·奔跑500字
- ·奔跑200字
- ·奔跑250字
- ·我的精神家園1600字
- ·頌家園100字
- ·長城嘆100字
- ·長城300字
- ·幸福時光作文 圍牆作文
- ·愛在身邊作文 honest作文
- ·雪融化作文 百鍊成鋼作文
- ·勤勞的媽媽作文 交通規則作文
- ·不想離開作文 游故宮作文
- ·蒙娜麗莎作文
- ·動物王國聯歡會作文
- ·給爸爸的信作文
- ·母親的禮物作文
- ·學滑冰作文
- ·熟能生巧作文
- ·雪作文200字 盲人作文200字
- ·潮州的春節作文 紫藤作文100字
- ·好少年作文1000字 期末考試作文600字
- ·看圖寫話美麗的春天作文150字 好想飛作文
- ·第一次洗衣作文200字 曾經擁有作文
- ·獎學金作文500字