分類:高三作文 字數:300字 編輯:得得9
I have a lot of words to tell you, but I don't know if I can get old together, but you can accompany me to when and when I love you.
In fact, every time you turn cold and hot to me, I feel very uncomfortable. I warn myself 10,000 times in my heart, but you inadvertently want me to hug you and you may be in front of you. I'm just so fruitless. I want to accompany you from freshness to belonging and security. I'm jealous. I'm inferior. I think you'll be sad. Maybe you like your taste. Our love is no matter how noisy it is.
Finally, you're still mine. I can't guarantee you a perfect love without quarrelling or disagreement. But I can guarantee that as long as you There are many reasons for insisting that I will never give up my love. There are many reasons why I am too busy and tired to love you for your good.
The only way to love you is to want to be with you.
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