分類:五年級作文 字數:600字 編輯:小景
I read the "poor" after the benefit of this article, the article is very touching, I know a lot of life truth.
Sang Na, and fishermen have five children, living or just a decent, very hard; fisherman before dawn, they had got up to go out fishing; Sang Na, every day at home to take care of their children, doing housework, by fisherman a person fishing to sustain family life, paying the money earned is not enough family”s living expenses, let alone food and clothing and the use of, money, children can not read the book.
Then, one night, Sang Na neighbor Simon left the world, died, leaving two still will not say that, would not take the children away with regret. Compassionate Sangna see these two poor children, who face the danger of her husband beaten, given a free hand to the father not the mother of two children did not hold a home, and decided to support both adult children to look after Good them. Sang Na did not even think of the fisherman will agree, but they know that life will be more and more difficult, but the fishermen insisted that the child is to keep our hard point can support seven children. One fisherman will carry the past, tough days have passed,
Nothing of the hard points.
Let me understand this story, a fisherman, a good, they fearless exhausted, happy to help needy people, do our best to to help them tide over the difficulties, the joy of taste to help others, unlike some of the money people at home, drinking red wine in winter, open fireplace, ballroom dancing, happy to live day, simply can not understand the taste of the poor go hungry, but also often to oppress, exploit our poor. We should learn to fishermen and Sang Na, shared a kind heart, to help people in difficulty, to live through difficult times, the world in better shape. I always believed good end rewarded,
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