分類:一年級作文 字數:450字 編輯:pp958
In the prairie, there was a lake, a scarecrow, a house with a lump of wet horses in the house. The teacher took a fishing rod and a fishing net, holding it. He looked at the lake and looked at the scarecrow, thinking about his glorious life before, and studying his hard drive every day in the villa. Thinking about his big baby, watching the screen on the computer screen. But today he came to the prairie and opened his fish life in the west, pulled up his trouser legs, sat on the dragon boat, sprinkled the net, caught the fish, and watched the scarecrow filled with tears in his eyes. That was how he wanted the scarecrow to let him return to his original life, and how longing the scarecrow to stretch out his hand. His hand, let him see his familiar home and familiar Hou Wenmin, but he had to fish in the lake. He was a great fish. He started fishing at the age of one. At the age of two, he could hit a shark. At the age of three, he played a whale. At the age of four, he could hold a ship, five years old? Wearing red underwear and going to the Antarctic to play whale playing badminton on the south pole, he said, "play it well."
But life was so cruel that he had to fish on the lake which he had almost finished. Poor baby. I wish you a quick return to his life.

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