分類:六年級作文 字數:400字 編輯:小景
聽作文講課讀後感 標籤:開學第一課讀後感作文 講課作文 讀後感作文 《童年》讀後感作文
On this day, we had a class of composition comment and appraise, to comment on the last picture composition. The teacher let some of the writing is good students read their articles, and then analysis step by step, where he writes well, beauty which words to write, even writing method. The students can concentrate one's attention on, also nodded. The teacher said that not only people who write well, also compare the end several students write. The students each have a style each, hearing this, feel funny the students write, listen to that, think that the same learning to write beautiful harmonious. It is worth! Although the composition of my writing is not the best, but I know that knowledge is infinite., mountains beyond mountains, someone outside the person! From the composition of the other students, I also learned many skills and methods of writing, such as: use some remarkably like the true word, also can use some of the words,...... Listen to their writing, like to read an article, can from inside the accumulation of many good sentence. The teacher said composition with some parallelism, rhetorical question...... Some special statement will make your writing more interesting. Class of commenting on the composition, is not only a vivid and interesting class, or a just the heart the lessons, I benefited a lot from. I will continue to strive, strive for more than writing than I good students! I'm ready!

- ·聽作文講課讀後感400字
- ·最後一課讀後感700字
- ·開學第一課讀後感500字
- ·開學第一課讀後感600字
- ·開學第一課讀後感700字
- ·開學第一課讀後感1500字
- ·製作視聽作文500字
- ·試聽作文怎麼做500字
- ·製作試聽作文500字
- ·視聽作文500字
- ·做‘‘視聽作文’’500字
- ·試聽作文的煩惱800字
- ·製作視聽作文500字
- ·製作視聽作文500字
- ·視聽作文500字
- ·做“視聽作文”600字
- ·一堂作文評講課500字
- ·由有趣的物理老師講課而想到的700字
- ·大神是這樣講課的1600字
- ·第一次給同學講課1200字
- ·第一次上台講課700字
- ·讀《竇桂梅老師講課》有感600字
- ·講課700字
- ·快樂的主持演講課200字
- ·評同學講課700字
- ·一節有意義的周報評講課500字
- ·坐着講課的特殊老師1300字
- ·《鋼鐵是怎樣煉成的》讀後感讀後感600字
- ·(讀後感)----《中華五千年》800字
- ·暑期讀後感——《飛鳥集》讀後感500字
- ·被寵壞的小燕子450字
- ·雙面之春450字
- ·校園流行風500字
- ·無友250字
- ·我的嫂子350字
- ·我的小熊200字
- ·百善孝為先700字
- ·百善孝為先700字
- ·方便麵200字
- ·乘着夢想的翅膀900字
- ·生活隨筆450字
- ·一節語文課帶給我的歡樂800字
- ·我擁有,我快樂600字
- ·母愛無痕600字
- ·父愛無痕1300字
- ·鞋帶作文 火狐作文
- ·一位母親作文 湯姆索亞歷險記作文
- ·古運河作文 我是貓作文
- ·想念你作文 人生的價值作文
- ·機靈作文 秋後作文
- ·綿羊作文
- ·小胖子作文
- ·開學感想作文
- ·這堂課作文
- ·暖暖的愛作文
- ·愛有多深作文
- ·三年作文450字 自然作文250字
- ·開花作文800字 有趣的足球賽作文
- ·看圖寫話作文700字 童年作文300字
- ·遊樂作文400字 童年趣事作文900字
- ·跑步比賽作文300字 忘不了作文500字
- ·決定作文300字