分類:六年級作文 字數:400字 編輯:小景
The edge of the bamboo forest, a familiar figure ... ... Perhaps, I told him that money is not perfect, however, I did not say that the export. I am very sorry, perhaps I should not ... ...
I belong to me in the bamboo forest hide-and-seek, a slight wind blowing in the woods between the issuance of clear voices heard ... ... I am in between the bamboo shuttle ... ...
Suddenly, a figure you ran from my side, I was really surprised. I yelled: "Who?" The man stopped and said: "抓小偷... ..." ah! I fear the jump! However, I ran past. That man is a tall person, you! He took a walking stick, he is disabled? But run so fast? ... ...
That person to seize the thief, the thief returned the money, and he released him. I hurried forward, said: "put it to the police uncle you! How do you put him?" Individuals thought there said: "What”s the name! I do not pay what you pay customs?小屁孩... ... "This was a thief, immediately said:" I”ll give you 300 yuan, Big Brother, forgive me, I do not do next time! Tens of millions into the police station ... I do not ... "he said, someone stole the money to his uncle. I thought his uncle would not accept that, but ... ...
The human world is often said things that really it?
Why is this so?
Hurt for money, for money to help the bad guys ... ...
call for it!

- ·竹林的回憶400字
- ·多變的竹林的心情700字
- ·竹林的樂園500字
- ·竹林的夢800字
- ·竹林的四季500字
- ·竹林的早晨400字
- ·竹林的早晨900字
- ·竹林換起的回憶200字
- ·回憶那些曾經的回憶900字
- ·回憶,永遠的回憶。留念,永遠的留300字
- ·離別——回憶那段永遠不會忘記的回1100字
- ·不是回憶的回憶2400字
- ·回憶的回憶200字
- ·回憶的回憶1600字
- ·森林的期末考試500字
- ·桂林的山水800字
- ·桂林的山水400字
- ·桂林的山水700字
- ·桂林的山水100字
- ·桂林的銀子岩700字
- ·記桂林的銀子岩700字
- ·感受蘇州園林的精緻700字
- ·班花之林的告白(一)1100字
- ·森林的音樂會300字
- ·讀《白樺林的低語》有感900字
- ·心靈的震撼——讀《穆斯林的葬禮》800字
- ·《穆斯林的葬禮》讀後感1600字
- ·《穆斯林的葬禮》讀後感1200字
- ·《穆斯林的葬禮》讀後感1600字
- ·《穆斯林的葬禮》讀後感(2)1700字
- ·竹林“探險”記600字
- ·竹林400字
- ·幽幽竹林1000字
- ·喜羊羊與灰太狼之竹林世界600字
- ·我喜歡童年的竹林1000字
- ·我愛竹林400字
- ·我愛這片竹林600字
- ·忘不了那竹林1500字
- ·四季竹林600字
- ·清幽竹林記200字
- ·美味的竹林宴600字
- ·故鄉的竹林400字
- ·多變的竹林的心情700字
- ·斑竹林400字
- ·虛假的面具600字
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- ·找到作文400字 熊貓參加運動會作文
- ·變了作文100字