分類:六年級作文 字數:700字 編輯:小景
熊貓歷險記 標籤:熊貓歷險記作文 熊貓遇險記作文 歷險記作文 尼爾斯騎鵝歷險記作文
One day, panda mother is looking for the fresh bamboo to the lesser panda to eat. At that time was the autumn, the bamboo majority has all blossomed, panda mother could not find the fresh bamboo, how should own child manage? But panda mother knew has many fresh bamboos upstream the waterfall. But own cannot come up, also how manages? Panda mother for own child, take risks to climb up the waterfall.On the waterfall has many dangers. When right panda mother just climbed up the summit, the mountain download came to wail the sound. Originally, already had several hunters in the waterfall downstream to stare at they. Her footsteps have been more and more quick, she worries her the child. Right she wants to think, has arrived inside unconscious a bamboo grove. Had found her in the bamboo grove in the bamboo grove similar, panda. That panda has given him eyeglasses, and tells her, this eyeglasses may not be the common eyeglasses, it may rule the animal which possesses upstream the waterfall. Therefore she has put on the eyeglasses, has obtained the strange strength. Then, it incites some animals in on a hunter”s vehicle the iron slab, the swab all to carry off, does some weapons, then she leads everybody to flush away to the downstream. The very quick animal and hunter”s big game begins the prologue in light of this.
An animal and animal”s natural enemy”s fight ended.But panda mother picks in the bamboo all fight process was losing.The animals helter-skelter lift the panda daddy and the baby from the basket.From this time on panda moved, has moved to upstream the waterfall in the bamboo grove.Now they again did not fear them the enemy, because that pair eyeglasses might protect them.
Is first each duck holds a skunk in the high blowdown ozone, the following closely is the squirrel regiment is taking the sword and the shield flushes away.Then stands on the pine tree throws the pine cone to pound them.Has put in order them, then was everybody ratio “the Judo”.Only then a person, the animal regiment overwhelms with numerical strength after all, has not hit several on has expelled the hunter, the hunter flees to the wilderness.
From now, panda spent on the happy easy and comfortable life.

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