分類:六年級作文 字數:400字 編輯:pp958
On the September 23th we had a Chao Yang area’s English corner. A lot of schools were joining the campaign. Our school’s topic is “At the bank”.
“It’s the campaign time!” the host said. Then we start go to the other school talking with them.
When I gone to the Chao Yang primary school. I think my speak is very nice, but she don’t give me the card, So I call the card with there teacher. I said: “Your student the answers are not what my ask. But they don’t give me cards.” The teacher heard, then give me a card.
Other school student is very conceited. When Cui Kexin and I call her card, she said: Do you think your English is good?” We said: “Yes, of course your answers are not our asked. Why don’t your give us the card?”Certainly,She give us the card.
One school’s topic is “At the KFC” There area is as fire as KFC. We want to know why, so we wait in that line. Oh, actually there cards is KFC’s preferential volume.
“It’s the time! “The host said. Then we go back to our place. My card is 34,Cui Kexin and I have the most card in the school.
Transit this campaign. I got a lot of enhance. I’m look for the next campaign.
參加朝陽區英語角活動有感 作文推薦:

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