分類:初二作文 字數:700字 編輯:pp958
Because of my recent performance , the song i sang was "an actor ". I wanted to sing better myself, so i went to search for the background of the song. I read the author is inner feelings. I also went to see the song of MV. I think it means from a pair of good past lovers, but did not survive the years. Two people farther and farther away, but because of taking into account the past, two people do not want to open the first break, but his heart has changed, how to perform can not hide. From the angle of the male master, the feelings of the most afraid of is dragging, simple point, so willing to be the bad guys, to help each other.
This song, no matter how to listen, is a sad emotion. I think that people should be simple to get along with people, do not love love, and say goodbye. Do not let the other side there is a glimmer of hope that can go back. Separation will definitely bring harm to one of them, regardless of the depth. As it is clear some. Never let the sweet memories become a burden.
- ·我想做演員250字
- ·我好想當一名演員450字
- ·堅持不懈的“小演員”600字
- ·閱讀短文《演員趙本山》縮寫300字
- ·看演員600字
- ·我最想成為一名——演員500字
- ·也當了一回“演員”400字
- ·演員350字
- ·我當演員了400字
- ·當演員的酸甜苦辣1000字
- ·演員800字
- ·當演員1000字
- ·演員400字
- ·生活中處處有演員600字
- ·我當小演員400字
- ·找演員200字
- ·我當小演員600字
- ·選演員900字
- ·相聲演員的訓練生涯600字
- ·演員夢150字
- ·當一回演員700字
- ·演員300字
- ·蒼蠅演員700字
- ·我喜歡的女演員500字
- ·我的理想當一名武打演員200字
- ·不是演員,就別偽裝了900字
- ·給演歷史人物的演員一封信500字
- ·我的演員夢想1600字
- ·演員與運動員應不應該多賺錢400字
- ·我當小演員500字
- ·我的理科生涯250字
- ·人生涯300字
- ·《翩翩少年時—初三生涯始》1200字
- ·“小崔”的挑戰生涯600字
- ·*初一生涯*850字
- ·作文庫,我哭了!700字
- ·魚哭了,有誰知道?200字
- ·他終於哭了600字
- ·海!它哭了(1)400字
- ·由衷地謝謝你1100字
- ·謝謝你,班長1600字
- ·謝謝你350字
- ·孟德,謝謝你的英勇700字
- ·對手,謝謝你900字
- ·雲南旅遊900字
- ·讀《男生賈里》有感作文 幸福在我身邊作文
- ·燈火闌珊作文 俱樂部作文
- ·一場拔河比賽作文 自評作文
- ·我獨自在家作文 打鳥作文
- ·農家風光作文 那年那月作文
- ·演奏作文
- ·象牙塔作文
- ·秋遊作文400字
- ·恐龍園遊記作文
- ·流動紅旗作文
- ·奶牛作文
- ·門前的池塘作文 我聽見了作文
- ·父母作文 芳草作文
- ·感動中國作文900字 不放棄作文200字
- ·課間作文700字 危機作文600字
- ·平安作文500字 笑着面對作文
- ·我的夢作文100字