分類:初一作文 字數:900字 編輯:pp958
雪災英語作文:雪災的壞處 標籤:英語作文 壞處作文 抗震救災英雄少年作文 雪災作文
This year the snow is really surprising, even under such a long period. I look forward to a first from the arrival of snow, and this snow has become obnoxious.
Now the snow has not as happy as a child. Fear of travel inconvenient, fear Caijie will rise. Never romantic mood to enjoy the dance of winter flying the Wizard.
Yesterday, we Sa Mandaijie braved the storm to turn, at the gates of formation of snowman, the snow feelings Different customs. That afternoon, we walk the thick snow and walk to parks Taxuexinmei Linghu. Park scenery is very beautiful, clean. A land of purity, both static Molai to escape all the troubles missing……
We walked all the way, see the roadside shops erected many Snowman, Snowman different demeanor, different expressions,卻都buildsits delight of the owner and Jiangxinduju.
See on the TV news from the snowstorm are: stranded in railway stations, bus stops to beat the migrant workers to return home in the crowded waiting room, plant Kuimei, stranded on the highway in the world of ice and snow in the queue like automobiles, Dongpei vegetables……
The poets are there Jiaqing that the good snow, easing the poets winter with no snow Jiaohe embarrassment, and they have to be quiet in the snow. Oh, seeking quiet, can rely on nature?
These days, Mandaijie people stumble in the snow walking to work, and the scene was spectacular Wei.
Despite the exotic Xuetian Xuetian there, but I was very keen this sunny spring will come early!
雪災英語作文:雪災的壞處 作文推薦:
- ·雪災英語作文:雪災的壞處900字
- ·高一英語作文:讀書的好處的英語作450字
- ·初中英語作文關於火的英語作文200字
- ·關於防火的英語作文六年級英語作文100字
- ·關於雪災的感想700字
- ·關於雪景的作文:雪景500字
- ·高一作文:雪中的承諾1500字
- ·高一作文:雪化了,是春700字
- ·五年級作文:雪,冬天的小使者400字
- ·高一作文:雪600字
- ·高一作文:雪700字
- ·世界盃的壞處700字
- ·要認識到溺愛孩子的壞處850字
- ·過新年的壞處!600字
- ·吃方便麵的壞處500字
- ·創網的壞處400字
- ·粗心的壞處800字
- ·當宅男的壞處600字
- ·電腦的壞處700字
- ·電視機給孩子帶來的壞處350字
- ·近視的壞處1000字
- ·看電視的壞處700字
- ·看電視的壞處300字
- ·魔葯的壞處1100字
- ·你知道廢舊電池的壞處嗎?400字
- ·三無食品的壞處200字
- ·玩遊戲的壞處200字
- ·學生擁有手機的壞處250字
- ·近視的壞處600字
- ·拖拉的壞處800字
- ·探險的好處與壞處300字
- ·近視的壞處1000字
- ·粗心的壞處800字
- ·駁“上課不舉手發言,壞處大於好處700字
- ·吳庚霖,我恨你600字
- ·我恨我自己800字
- ·我恨你們800字
- ·媽媽我恨你800字
- ·對,林說:“我恨你”450字
- ·打騷擾的,我恨你800字
- ·成績我恨你!450字
- ·“我恨你”600字
- ·最後的心痛700字
- ·友誼?心痛!100字
- ·心痛着,回憶過去,回想今天800字
- ·漫遊記作文 格桑花作文
- ·愛讓生活更美好作文 我想當班長作文
- ·少年作文 祖國媽媽,生日快樂作文
- ·漂亮的文具盒作文 湯姆歷險記作文
- ·爭吵作文 我的小學作文
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- ·走走停停作文
- ·聖誕party作文
- ·郵票作文300字
- ·我的夏令營作文
- ·這樣的媽媽作文
- ·小記作文700字 倡議作文1000字
- ·聽雨作文450字 永久的回憶作文600字
- ·鳳凰廣場作文300字 課桌作文400字
- ·渴望飛翔作文400字 月球之旅作文400字
- ·月桂作文500字 憶往作文
- ·迎接世博作文