分類:初一作文 字數:400字 編輯:得得9
尊重是一種道德 標籤:做一個有道德的人作文 做個有道德的人作文 道德作文 做有道德的人作文
There are always some people of our labor, without asking for anything in return; there are always some people to help us, not praised...... He is silent, street labor. Almost everywhere, as always with white masks, wearing a yellow coat, holding a broom to sweep the dust on the ground. People never see, some from the cleaner side galloping. Who ever thought the workers hard? May not need round the clock, but he is still in our responsibility! Some people as they did not exist, someone because of dust sweeping raised when angry, some people will refuse to pass by., tossed by the cleaner...... People are equal. Who do not need the protagonist, who not need foil. Do not use the appearance or occupation to the evaluation of a person, sometimes even adults have sad! In order to facilitate the people, how many night and day work? Of course they also like us, don't like being laughed at. They also have time to tears! Think, when some people to people and selfless dedication to the people, and the labor time, heard a laugh, a complaint, they will be sad, also will be sad! Please respect everyone, don't rub salt in the wound to others! Life is equal, there is no distinction or distinction, respect is Chinese since ancient times, the most excellent tradition, but also the Chinese people's spirit. We should carry forward the spirit of respect for others.
尊重是一種道德 作文推薦:

- ·尊重是一種道德400字
- ·尊重是公平正義的基石500字
- ·尊重是生命間的橋樑1000字
- ·尊重是金800字
- ·[遠燈行系列]沉重是成熟的代價600字
- ·你尊重別人,別人也會尊重你300字
- ·尊重別人,也是尊重了你自己900字
- ·尊重別人就是尊重自己400字
- ·尊重別人就是尊重自己600字
- ·尊重別人就是尊重自己1100字
- ·尊重別人就是尊重自己400字
- ·尊重勞動就是尊重自己1200字
- ·尊重他人就是尊重自己600字
- ·尊重他人隱私就是尊重自己500字
- ·尊重自己,也是尊重他人500字
- ·尊重他人的人,才能得到他人的尊重200字
- ·尊重勞動者,尊重他們的勞動成果500字
- ·“尊重”≠尊重700字
- ·尊重他人,尊重自己600字
- ·傾聽也是一種尊重400字
- ·傾聽也是一種尊重500字
- ·這也是一種請——生對死的尊重1700字
- ·尊重道德分歧現象600字
- ·愛心是一種責任,感恩是一種智慧1200字
- ·奧運不止是一種體育還是一種精神800字
- ·相識是一種緣分友情是一種純潔的感600字
- ·喜歡,是一種心情;愛,是一種感情500字
- ·放棄是一種覺悟,更是一種自由600字
- ·沉默也是一種態度,放棄也是一種選200字
- ·道德,道德何尋?——有感於《假文600字
- ·學雷鋒,做有道德的人1500字
- ·希望世界擁有道德600字
- ·文明與道德500字
- ·人生道德的作業700字
- ·金錢與道德400字
- ·觀《道德講堂》有感400字
- ·道德在身邊500字
- ·道德,從小做起500字
- ·道德700字
- ·道德1000字
- ·道德1000字
- ·道德1100字
- ·勤勞的奶奶600字
- ·我的土匪老弟500字
- ·有一種動作叫鼓勵800字
- ·陰雨天作文 最恨的人作文
- ·爭做美德少年作文 生活處處有語文作文
- ·五日游作文 祝福祖國作文
- ·童話故事作文 美麗的學作文
- ·喜歡孤獨作文 勿以惡小而為之作文
- ·《西遊記》續作文
- ·心中的珍藏作文
- ·中秋節作文100字
- ·冰塊作文
- ·小水滴旅行記作文
- ·快樂的夜晚作文
- ·拋棄作文700字 我的成長作文200字
- ·我最喜歡的書作文400字 綠色作文700字
- ·我和表姐作文 狗狗作文150字
- ·脾氣作文 交通安全伴我行作文500字
- ·夏雨作文800字 差生作文700字
- ·大人的世界作文700字