分類:高三作文 字數:900字 編輯:小景
詢問信 標籤:慰問信作文
Dear neighbor Tom,
Hello, I'm your downstairs neighbor, Mary. The purpose of writing this letter to you is to tell you something difficult. I hope you can change something. The details are as follows.
You may not be familiar with me yet, because I just moved here last week. I moved to a new environment, I need a good environment to carry out my creation. Because I am a novelist, I spend almost all day thinking and writing. You also know that writing and ideas require a very quiet environment. I need to think about the character setting and what happens to the characters and the personality traits of each person. I need to put myself in, so that I can better complete a person's person. This requires me to think, to imagine an environment exactly like him.In order to keep my thinking smooth, I still need a good environment when writing. So a quiet environment is very important to me. The reason why I moved to this garden area is because the owner told me that this place is very quiet. But one thing I have to say is that your life is interfering with my bloodline. I'm sorry, that's all I can say, because I've put up with it many times. Ever since I moved to this neighborhood, You've been singing all night. I know you may be interested in music and good at singing. But your microphone is so big that I can hear it clearly downstairs. Another point is that you like rock music very much, so you often use your home electronic drum. The drums are too loud, especially for neighbors like me who live downstairs. In addition to this, there is one more thing. Is your cat. Is your cat too active? I think he runs around on the ground every day. This cat is very active at night, isn't it catching mice? I'm not saying you have to get rid of everything, but I hope you improve a little. For example, you can turn down the sound of your microphone a little. Don't play the electronic drum at night. I am sure that I am not the only one who has such troubles, and the neighbors around me can hear them. And your cat. You can give your cat a quiet nest, let him rest in it, don't let him go out and run around. Another suggestion is to put a blanket on your floor to prevent loud footsteps. I would appreciate it very much if you could take my advice. I think it's a piece of cake. You can improve the living environment of your neighbors by doing this little thing. So I very much hope that you can get rid of these habits. Please don't be angry, if you have any complaints, you can talk to me face to face.
I would appreciate it very much if you could get rid of these bad habits. In order to create a good living environment for me and other neighbors, I hope you can make some changes. Looking forward to your early reply.

- ·詢問信900字
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- ·慰問信450字
- ·慰問信400字
- ·慰問信500字
- ·慰問信400字
- ·慰問信500字
- ·慰問信500字
- ·一封給災區人民的慰問信1000字
- ·致災區小朋友的一封慰問信650字
- ·寫給朋友的一封慰問信350字
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- ·手寫的你我ta之詢問700字
- ·詢問250字
- ·詢問250字
- ·詢問350字
- ·詢問200字
- ·詢問200字
- ·詢問200字
- ·詢問250字
- ·詢問300字
- ·詢問300字
- ·詢問300字
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