分類:五年級作文 字數:900字 編輯:得得9
World health officials are trying to ease growing fears over the H1N1 virus--better known as swine flu.
This comes, even as Hong Kong confirmed Asia”s first case.
As of 19:00 GMT Friday, the World Health Organization had confirmed a total of 365 cases around the world.
Mexican Health Secretary, Jose Cordova, says new cases have slowed down, and the death rate has been nearly flat for several days.
Mexico”s government, has also imposed a five-day shutdown in the country in the hope to slow down the virus.
The number of confirmed cases in the US, has passed a hundred.
The WHO says there”s no reason to raise the alert level, to the maximum six.
China suspends flights from Mexico
With a case of influenza A/H1N1 confirmed in a flight from Mexico, the Chinese government has decided to suspend flights from Mexico to Shanghai in east China.
The Foreign Ministry says when the flights will be resumed depends on the situation of the pandemic control.
The Chinese government is also considering sending a chartered plane to get those Chinese passengers who had planned to fly to Shanghai from Mexico City on Sunday.
Meantime, the Ministry of Health says prevention and control measures are being taken after the Hong Kong health authorities confirmed the first case of the influenza.
The patient, a 25-year-old Mexican, arrived in Shanghai on Thursday and then travelled to Hong Kong the same day.
Top legislator starts year-long countdown to Shanghai World Expo
China”s top legislator Wu Bangguo started a timer Friday for the year-long countdown to the Shanghai World Expo at Tian”anmen Square in the heart of Beijing.
The Expo will be on stage from May 1 to Oct. 31 next year.
So far more than 230 countries, regions and international organizations have confirmed that they would participate in the Expo, which will use the theme of "Better City, Better Life".
Premier Wen visits Beijing metro workers on Labor Day
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao visited workers at a metro construction site in Beijing, extending festival greetings on the occasion of the International Labor Day on Friday
During the visit, the premier encouraged the workers to "strengthen confidence to overcome difficulties brought about by the financial crisis and the influenza epidemic."
Beijing reports best air quality in nine years
Reports say Beijing enjoyed its cleanest air in almost a decade.
A senior municipal official, says not a single day in April, was rated poor or hazardous since 2000.
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