分類:初二作文 字數:400字 編輯:得得9
An Unforgettable Day
Late one afternoon, I was on my way home from school. I walked slowly along the street with my head drooped. The scenes on both sides of the street were beautiful, but I had no interest in them at all. I walked and walked, thinking of what had happened that day.
Just a few minutes before the second class began that afternoon, I was asked to go to the teacher”s office. I heard my teacher talking to my mother with anger.
How could you dare to go to see a film this morning without permission? Mother said at the top of her voice, slapping me in the face heavily. I look at Mother, dumbfounded…
I walked more slowly, for I had seen my house ahead, where Mother was always standing at the door, smiling at me, at this time every day. But now, she wasn”t there. My heard was beating faster. I even didn”t dare to open the door for fear that Mother should beat again.
Not knowing what to do, I sat on the ground near the door, blaming myself for what I had done. I was lost in deep agony.
Suddenly a soft hand patted me on the head. I looked up, seeing Mother standing beside me. I couldn”t help crying, Mum! tears rolling down my cheeks.
不平凡的一天 作文推薦:

- ·平凡的母親,不平凡的母愛800字
- ·平凡的人擁有不平凡的美麗人生300字
- ·平凡的小草不平凡的毅力600字
- ·平凡的人,不平凡的愛600字
- ·平凡的人,不平凡的心800字
- ·平凡的人,不平凡的震撼400字
- ·平凡的人生,不平凡的價值800字
- ·平凡的父親,不平凡的愛1300字
- ·平凡的我有一顆不平凡的心600字
- ·平凡的友情,不平凡的我們!500字
- ·平凡的世界,不平凡的自己200字
- ·平凡的花,不平凡的價值300字
- ·平凡的老師,不平凡的關愛700字
- ·平凡的你,不平凡的你700字
- ·不平凡的平凡人500字
- ·不平凡的平凡人1000字
- ·平凡人不平凡的心300字
- ·一個不平凡的平凡人1000字
- ·最不平凡的平凡人800字
- ·既平凡又不平凡的人500字
- ·平凡而又不平凡的我500字
- ·平凡的家給我的不平凡感覺800字
- ·平凡的不平凡1600字
- ·平凡崗位,不平凡的人生450字
- ·平凡中不平凡的你1400字
- ·平凡的不平凡1200字
- ·平凡的夜晚不平凡500字
- ·【每日小記】不平凡的一天300字
- ·不平凡的一天400字
- ·不平凡的一天400字
- ·如果有來生350字
- ·如果有來生1400字
- ·鏡子鏡子誰最美700字
- ·那個美麗的黃昏500字
- ·那個美麗的黃昏500字
- ·美麗的夕陽600字
- ·我的蝴蝶谷600字
- ·蝴蝶蘭1000字
- ·播種人生的財富700字
- ·歲寒三友1300字
- ·童年的生活700字
- ·童年的生活600字
- ·雪之歌300字
- ·雪之歌300字
- ·雪之歌400字
- ·隊列比賽作文 子彈作文
- ·囚禁作文 竹筒飯作文
- ·賞荷花作文 夢裡作文
- ·電視風波作文 沒什麼作文
- ·特殊的春天作文 煎荷包蛋作文
- ·買車作文
- ·我最感動的一件事作文
- ·文章作文
- ·我和小狗作文
- ·憂慮作文
- ·傳染作文
- ·開卷有益作文400字 微雨作文700字
- ·討厭作文200字 生活中的小鏡頭作文500字
- ·中原作文 幸福像花兒一樣作文600字
- ·煩心事作文 好處作文600字
- ·好媽媽作文1000字 朦朧作文
- ·泡泡糖作文