手機:M版 分類:國旗下講話 編輯:小景
Dear teachers and school fellows,
Good morning! Today, my topic is water does not rot; door-hinge is never worm-eaten,
"流水不腐,戶樞不蠹"是個成語,出自《呂氏春秋》Lu Shi Chun Qiu,意指常流的水不發臭,常轉的門軸不遭蟲蛀。比喻經常運動,生命力才能持久,才有旺盛的活力。
Water does not rot; door-hinge is never worm-eaten,is a phrase from Lu Shi Chun Qiu.This metaphor tells us that exercising regularly can keep life longer and keep us more energetic.
As far as two thousand years ago, Ancients had a profound understanding of the relationship between exercise and body. Well,let me tell you three stories.
The first story is about a person called Guan Zhong, who opened a swimming pool to encourage people to swim and rewarded themwith a lot of wealth so as to recruit50,000 sailors. This was because the Duke Huan of Qiwanted to embark a battle against the northern states. Meanwhile, he was afraid that Yue State would take the opportunity to invade his state.Eventually, As heexpected, Yue state invaded Qi State during the war, but the sailors succeeded in defeating them.
The second story is "the famous physician, Hua Tuo,composed"five animal mimic boxing;" He believed that most of the diseases were due to lack of blood circulation.It occurred to him that exercising regularlywas a good way to solve the problem, maintaining a healthy body. So he woke up early every day, doing activities in the courtyard, such as stretching his arms, liftinglegs, curving waist, twistingneck. Day after day, he composed a set of five animal mimic boxing practice including the imitation of five animals, respectively tiger, deer, monkey, bear, and bird. Because he kept up doing five animal mimic boxing, he led a healthy life with good ears and eyes in his old days.
The third story isTao kan’s practicing by carrying bricks. Tao Kan was a famous general in Jin Dynasty who was demoted to Guangzhou butnot discouraged. Every morning he moved hundred pieces of brick from the study outside and at night he did the opposite. It was so strange that others asked him why he did this.Tao Kan said gravely: "What if the country offers me a chance to serve in the future SoI have tostrengthen myselfto stand by at any time "
Three stories of the ancients tell us that exercise not only can develop physical health, but also the character ofperseverance. Students, we have many things such as money, power, status, love, etc. but these are based on having a healthy body. If not, everything will come to naught.Along with the prevalentsports activities, people”s idea of life has changed dramatically. In some cities, people prefer to treat friends to fitness rather than a big dinner.People would like to go to the football pitch instead of sittingdisappointedfor the defeat of Chinese soccer team in front of the TV.
Watching theboyson the pitchgrappling, girlshad better not hang outin small groups any longer. Why not dorope -skipping,shuttlecock-kicking, running …which will be a smart decision.
School fellows, the quote --the water does not rot, door hinge is never worm-eaten inspires us to participate in physical exercise consciously.
Doing exercise makes youhealthy and enjoyable, effective as well as wealthy.What about doingexercise together
That’s all. Thank you!

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