友誼長存 friendship lives f_1200字
分類:四年級作文 字數:1200字 編輯:pp958
友誼長存 friendship lives f 標籤:friends作文 myfriends作文 weekends作文 friend作文
他們的房子後面是個漂亮的花園,我最喜歡康奈馨和鬱金香,還有一個不大的游泳池,池裡的水非常乾淨,星期天,帕梅拉·查理茲教我游泳, 他教得很認真,帕梅拉·查理茲的書房不大,黃色的書架上有很多書,有《伊索寓言》《安徒生童話》《格林童話》《愛的教育》《笑貓日記全集》《鋼鐵是怎樣煉成的》……桌子上鋼筆。鉛筆。尺子都放得很整齊。他會德語。英語。西班牙語,我非常喜歡跟他學西班牙語,西班牙語非常好聽。他的學習很好,每次考試都在95分以上,我非常崇拜他。
Pamela·Richards is my good firend, he is Geram, he”s haird is brown,he”s eyes is blue, he”s have red cap,have black jack.he”s dad Mr Peter·Richards is mechail, he”s mum Mali·Richards is Danish, is keyboard operator, he”s mum is very Beautiful, is like have green dress.
he is family is not feaghtr is live village, is next a valley, It is between two hills,the village is on river, is river fish and frow. I is everday go to he”s home,he”s family living room is very big,livingroom is a Haier Tv, and Kangjia stereo,is two tabls, two big sofa, chair is armchair.
he is kitchen is left livingroom,refrigerator is Siemens 180 meter, refrigerator is big food. he like eat hamburger.sandwich.beefsteak and fruit he isn”t play chopsticket. is play fink.fork.spoon,he like drink milk and jues and coffce,I isn”t coffce ,coffce is bitterness,I like to drink the west lake longjing tea.
he”s house under is a big graden, my is like carnation and tulip. and a small swimsuit, swimsuit write is very clean, sangday Pamela·Richards lerand my swim, He is very serious,Pamela·Richards is not big, yellow bookcase is a good many, With "aesop”s fables the of andersen”s fairy tales out of the education of love laugh," the diary the iron is how to get into the "on the…, on the table is pen pencil ruler All neatly. he”s Germen.English.Spanish,I very like is he lerand spanish, spanish is very Nice.he”s lreand is very good, exam is 95 leds, my is very undrity.
he like he nationality, and like China, he going to beijing.Changcheng,Taishan,and I meat he going to my yuehtun Shimenfang look Momiji, Shimenfang momiji bing Fragrant hills beautiful.I and Pamela·Richards rast very happy, he is my one not my nationality good friend. May our friendship.
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