分類:六年級作文 字數:200字 編輯:得得9
Just like in life This is a map of the infinite The original sea, there is a the most began to build the house Just some brick wall, there is a garden Little by little I began to walk very far, dig ore, hunting As far as ice and snow As far as the desert solitary smoke I built the house A third A fourth... But, wherever I go, no matter that a house My compass always points to the There are the magnets I cottage at the seaside I built a very beautiful and very big house I went to high, big mountain Under the deep, dark sea But I have been, always will back to the house by the sea No matter go where My compass Never change the direction Because, it refers to the house Is the place where I And the cabin fire Also ?
生存戰爭 暫無評論相關作文
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- ·生存與戰爭700字
- ·偉大的戰爭--抗日戰爭1200字
- ·反戰爭但不畏戰爭600字
- ·[課堂作文]生活,讓我學會如何生2100字
- ·人教版六年級下冊四單元作文:珍愛900字
- ·生存的價值——讀《心田上的百合花400字
- ·未來的可悲生存環境800字
- ·學會生存——讀《魯賓遜漂流記》有500字
- ·有生態環境談生存環境450字
- ·適者生存,不適者淘汰500字
- ·《雄獅去流浪》讀後感——適者生存300字
- ·讀《適者生存》有感300字
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- ·適者生存800字
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- ·適者生存700字
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- ·物競天擇,適者生存!400字
- ·物競天擇適者生存1200字
- ·現實殘酷,適者生存.1500字
- ·“生存還是毀滅”600字
- ·讀《絕境生存秘籍——冰河篇》有感200字
- ·讀《高三人生境界的課文》讀後感之1600字
- ·讓自己在困境中學會生存——讀《魯1000字
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- ·一天400字
- ·王老太的悲劇600字
- ·海的玫瑰1600字
- ·人生200字
- ·他像花兒般美麗1400字
- ·打掃衛生200字
- ·童年趣事500字
- ·秋400字
- ·一片風100字
- ·蝶の夢(2)614字
- ·母性500字
- ·變化真大呀300字
- ·讀《海倫.凱勒》有感500字
- ·勇斗蜘蛛400字
- ·大課間二十分鐘500字
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- ·我的同桌作文
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- ·清白作文
- ·大漠作文
- ·特別的我作文
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